What should I pay attention to when purchasing A cargo jadeite?

Generally speaking, the appearance of A goods is smooth and smooth, and the goods of B and C are rough in texture, with faint cracks, and the color is not pure and uniform. It can also be heard, the sound of A goods is crisp and rigid, and the goods of B are dull; Under the transmitted light, the B goods are not transparent, and when the surface is facing the strong light, many small pits will be found, which are traces of acid corrosion.

A cargo jade

The color of the crack in the C cargo is darker. Just look at whether the color of the jadeite appears in a cracked place, and you know whether it is a C cargo.

For those who have just entered the jade collection, buying brand jade is the safest. If you choose from the investment point of view, you can go to some well-known and reputable jade brand stores to see the goods. After all, the same jade, can buy better products in the brand jade shop. Each product of Fusheng Zhenyu is equipped with a unique national quality certificate and a certificate of opening light that was opened by Nanyue Gaochun.

Textile Cloth

Changxing Xinyang Textile Co., Ltd. , https://www.xinyangtextiles.com